
I don't take portraits

Rromir Imami

Rromir Imami

I don’t do portraits…portraits can’t be taken. They can only be given. A portrait is not made in the camera, but on both sides of it. Then the “I” becomes “WE”.

When WE make a portrait, WE don’t just take a picture – WE tell a unique story, capturing personality and emotion in a meaningful way. It is like writing a short story that is worth more than 999 words.

This is an opportunity for YOU to be the art director and storyteller of YOUR own portrait. WE will create an image of who YOU really are, not just what you look like.

This is an invitation to embark on a journey that will be recorded not only on the camera’s memory card, but also in your heart and mind.

So what is your story?

Words portraits

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Office/Studio Fribourg:
Studio Bern:

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